Saturday, July 6, 2019

Django with Mongodb Environment set-up

Django + MongoDB = Djongo on Jupyter Notebook

Now a days Python is widespread that each software engineer try and add in their illustrious language list. However, why Python and why it’s popular? - I think there's major three reason behind that
  1. Easy to learn
  2. Easy to code
  3. Rich Library Packages
Generally I noticed python is used as back-end. I was a web and mobile app developer, so my thought was why can't we use python as full stack development? - And I found Django -It is a Python Web framework via mastering I received to understand that Django also support MongoDB as Database. I am going to describe how to set Django with MongoDB.

Install Python  

Make sure python 3.x installed. (click here)

Check Installed Python Version

Window Key---- Type cmd ---- Enter key ---- type 'python -V'

Install MongoDB

Install Django

pip install django

Install Djongo

pip install djongo

Did you see the Jupyter image? – Yes, It’s symbol of Jupyter Notebook. The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.

In my Next Blog, I will describe about How to build Django + mongodb web application on Jupyter Notebook. Stay tuned…

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